Women Writing for (a) Change Jacksonville

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Women Writing for (a) Change, Jacksonville, is a growing community for Jacksonville and North Florida writers. We are here to nurture and celebrate the individual voice by facilitating supportive writing circles and by encouraging people to craft more conscious lives through the art of writing and the practices of community.

We offer regular writing circles in our community, art exhibits featuring women artists, and an annual anthology of women writers and artists who have been in our circles over the years. We also host a number of special events highlighting our women writers and artists as well as women leaders in our community.

We use Submittable to collect submissions for the anthology, our art shows, and any other special publishing projects we may organize.

We are a radically inclusive community that creates a safer space for women's voices. We believe, like Pat Schneider, that “everyone is a writer,” and that there is value in everyone’s stories. We focus primarily on the voices of those who identify as female, but not exclusively. We try to create a supportive, non-threatening environment for all who participate. We encourage everyone in our community to help us create an atmosphere where the safety of others is validated.

Our vision is to foster healthy, conscious communities where the words and creative expression of women, girls, and individuals—from all classes, races, ethnic backgrounds, and life circumstances—are nurtured, developed, and celebrated, contributing to positive cultural transformation and a more just and equitable society.


WWf(a)C Jacksonville is an affiliate site of Women Writing for (a) Change in Cincinnati. Since 1991, WWf(a)C has evolved into a powerful and empowering community of women and girls telling our stories.  We are a radically inclusive community of women creating change in ourselves and our worlds one truth, one voice at a time.

Women Writing for (a) Change Jacksonville